Quadcopters with cameras such as the cool models available have brought a whole new way to enjoy and use RC aircraft. All of the most impressive aerial videos are captured using drones today and it's a great hobby for anyone to get into.
shenzhen, China, November 10, 2015 (Newswire.com) - It’s no surprise that quadcopters are a big hit with the RC toys crowd. They are designed in such a way as to be an extremely stable and easy to fly RC platform. Their mechanical simplicity makes them cheaper to maintain than other RC aircraft, and most people can become accomplished pilots within a few hours. Quadcopters are certainly the current favorites for old and new pilots alike. In fact, one recent addition to these fun aircraft are creating exciting new ways to use them. Quadcopters with cameras are adding fun, function, and creativity to the sport of RC and attracting new users such as photographers, videographers and other hobbyists.
Quadcopters and drones using cameras have until recently, been available only to the military or relegated to high-end RC aircraft with prices that put them out of reach of most people. Now however, there are lots of choices available at extremely affordable prices at popular online retailers such as Newfrog.com. In fact, there are many choices available for under $50 that combine the ease of use of quadcopters with the cool function of digital photography.
There are a several styles of quads with cameras and the one chosen depends on how a person intends to use it.
Quadcopters with built-in camera – These vehicles come with a digital camera installed directly into the body of the quadcopter. The quality of the camera and image is usually dictated by price. Cheaper versions have simple VGA video recording while more expensive versions have HD (high definition) video and some even feature FPV (real-time video stream) that is displayed on the RC controller screen. These versions are great for flying beyond line of sight and for ensuring that the video captured is centered on the subject or action at hand.
Quadcopters with gimbal mount for cameras – These vehicles have a special mount below the structure called a gimbal. The purpose of this single or double hinged mount is to move with the quadcopter and stabilize the camera that is attached to it. Depending on the size and power of the quadcopter, these gimbals can hold small digital video recorders such as GoPro, or larger more sophisticated DSLR cameras that capture high definition video.
One important thing to consider when purchasing a rc quadcopter with camera is the resolution quality. The better the resolution, the better the video quality. For most purposes, opting for 720p (1280x720) resolution is best. If a gimbal mounted camera is used, they are usually an even higher resolution and are used for videography and high resolution photography.
Adding a camera to a quad is great for a number of cool applications such as capturing the amazing view and scenery from high above, following the action during extreme sports, and extending flight out of sight by using the camera feedback. In addition to that, there are many commercial applications for quadcopters with cameras such as inspecting property, search and rescue, military work, and even package delivery!
An important note, when filming people and places, is to follow all applicable laws for the area. It is important that any images obtained do not violate privacy laws. Also, there are certain places such as over congested areas and around airports, where RC vehicles are prohibited, so all local regulations should be followed.
RC Quadcopters with cameras such as the cool models available have brought a whole new way to enjoy and use RC aircraft. All of the most impressive aerial videos are captured using drones today and it’s a great hobby for anyone to get into. The prices are low enough that everyone can get in on the fun and there are so many great prices and options when buying online. Find out how easy it is to take part in the creativity and fun of aerial videos today by visiting Newfrog.com.